Scholarship granted for Early Intervention Program

To help our youngest community members achieve their fullest potential, Rock the 21 awarded $10,000 to Stepping Stones’ early intervention program scholarship fund. The scholarship will provide 320 hours of therapy for four toddlers with DS who would otherwise not benefit from the program due to financial constraints.

Early intervention, which is provided to children with disabilities prior to their third birthday, is a set of critical services — most often speech, occupational and physical therapy — to help improve gross and fine-motor abilities, language skills, social development and self-help skills.

Stepping Stones’ program, which is held in a state-of-the-art therapy and sensory room, provides an interactive environment for the children to work individually and in small groups to acquire skills such as walking
and balancing, strengthening their pincer grasp, and drinking from a straw, to name just a few. These important skills will be the foundation for a future filled with many successes and milestones.